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About Wellness-20

Chef Ali & Dr. T

Meet Dr. T and Chef Ali – world-renowned transformation specialists, healthy eating experts, and inspirational authors. Let them show you how food can be your medicine, and how to get the most out of life with their sold-out LIVE events. Regardless of age or experience, begin now and take control of your health with fun and imagination! Transform your life and become the best version of yourself. It all begins with Dr. T and Chef Ali!

Chef Brooke Ali

Brooke is the author of Vegan20 and the Food as Medicine Five Day Lifestyle Plan, a vegan restauranteur, chef, certified nutritionist, educator, and Hashimoto's survivor. She cured her Hashimoto's disease with a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle. She started out sharing amazing vegan food by hosting cooking parties with friends, which turned into cooking classes, then restaurant pop-ups, to eventually a vegan restaurant.

She is the co-founder of The Best Plant-Based Conference Ever! and the VIRTUAL Food As Medicine Summit & EXPO event which featured world-renowned nutrition experts, health & wellness exhibitors, and local wellness practitioners to share the state-of-the-science on health and nutrition and the practicalities and life-changing impacts of using food as medicine.

Brooke is the co-founder of GreenSpark Market which is a community collective event featuring and supporting green sustainable and/or vegan businesses.

Brooke has partnered with Dr. Patricia Thomson to create Wellness20 which focuses on a global approach to the power of healing foods. Brooke is now thrilled to share her experiences, nutritional expertise, recipes, and secret hacks from owning a restaurant, with people around the world.

Follow Brooke on Instagram:


Dr. T

Patricia R. Thomson, Ph.D., aka Dr. T, is the author of WFPB20 (Whole Food Plant Based) and the Food as Medicine Five Day Lifestyle Plan, a certified nutritionist, an experienced speaker, Events Director, coach, consultant, and cancer survivor. As the co-founder of Wellness20, Dr. T is on a mission to create thriving communities around the world.

Dr. T earned her nutrition certificate through e-Cornell Center for Nutrition Studies, her plant-based culinary certification through the Rouxbe Culinary School, nutrition teaching certification through the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine Food For Life program, and her Medicinal Plants certification through e-Cornell.

She is the co-founder of The Best Plant-Based Conference Ever! and the Virtual Food as Medicine Summit & EXPO event which featured world-renowned nutrition experts, health & wellness exhibitors, and local wellness practitioners to share the state-of-the-science on health and nutrition and the practicalities and life-changing impacts of using food as medicine.

Dr. T has taught courses in employee wellness, disease prevention, and reversal for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, in addition to weight loss management, food addiction, thyroid and hormone control, digestive disorders, and kid’s health. 

Dr. T is the co-founder of GreenSpark Market which is a community collective event featuring and supporting green, sustainable and/or vegan businesses.

​Patricia has been in the nonprofit industry for over 25 years serving as the CEO/Executive Director of several national and international organizations. She has developed, implemented, and oversaw the operations of dozens of public and private events including races, climbs, walks, fashion shows, auctions, markets, fairs, dinners, luncheons, exclusive donor events, and conferences, to name a few. These events raised millions of dollars and often involved thousands of attendees at a time.

Patricia is a published scientist, has a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, with a focus on toxicology, and has worked in both the private and public sectors protecting
human and environmental health.



As the founders of The Best Plant-Based Conference Ever! we want to thank you for your past support. We could not do what we do without YOU! Our conferences and events are unlike any you have experienced.  We want to encourage you to join us for our next best event.  Stay tuned to this page for the latest and greatest updates.
Here are some things you can expect when you attend our events.

First of all, it will be in person and not virtual. You will be able to be in the moment, away from all of the distractions of life, focusing on YOU and getting the most out of this experience. And it will be an experience! Life changing.

You will have opportunities to converse with our presenters and attendees, ask questions, and engage in what is being shared, learn, and be empowered with knowledge.

You will be able to bond with other attendees who share similar challenges, hopes, and goals. Have opportunities to plan out the next steps and secure your future.

You will have fun, laugh, and let go of the things that weigh us down each day and prevent us from living the life we deserve.

Finally, you will leave empowered with the resources, tools, new friends, and support to ensure your success in your efforts to extend your longevity more healthily and happily.

See you in soon!

Peace, Love & Kale

​Brooke Ali & Patricia Thomson